Vehicle Functions

Updated 04/09/99

Vehicle::canMount(VObject, Player or Client)
VObject: The vehicle object Id.
Player: The object Id. Example: 8361.
Client: The Client Id. Example: 2049.
USED IN: Vehicle.cs
RETURN: True if Player or Client can mount the vehicle. False if can't mount or failed.
Used to see if there is room for the Player or Client to mount the VObject.

VObject: The vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: Number. The next available mount point. If failed then -1.
Used to get the next available mount point on the vehicle.

VObject: The vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False or -1 if failed.
Used to increment the passenger counter for the VObject.

VObject: The vehicle object Id.
USED IN: Not currently used in any script files.
RETURN: True if succeed or False or -1 if failed.
Used to decrement the passenger counter for the VObject.

Vehicle::getMountPoint(Vobj, Mpoint)
Vobj: The object Id of the vehicle.
Mpoint: The mount point.
USED IN: Vehicle.cs
RETURN: Position. The X, Y, and Z position of the Mpoint. Example: "X Y Z".
Used to get the position of the desired Mpoint. There are two Mpoints on a Scout, four on a LPC, and six on an HPC. Mpoint zero is the driver mount position. Mpoint one is the drivers exit point. Mpoints two through six are the passenger Mpoints.